Monday, January 30, 2017

Should occult writers get paid (submission call)

Have a strong opinion about whether or not occult writers should be paid? Can you string together words into readable sentences and paragraphs without Morgan's red pen exploding? If so, the Denver Witch Quarterly is seeking submissions on whether or not, occult writers should benefit monetarily from their occult writing.

Do you believe that society actually benefits and is improving thanks to occult works being free, then write up your argument proving that occultists owe society free occult books.

Likewise, do you believe that free occult books don't benefit society, and that they actually hurt the occult community, then write up your argument and send it in.

Can you see both sides are right in some part, then speculate how occult writers can support their work without actually charging the readers.

Don't let Morgan be the only one commenting on this subject in the next issue of the Denver Witch Quarterly.

[And as always, DWQ is also looking for our usual mix of fiction, poetry, art, photography, editorials, rituals, and instructional articles.]

Email submissions to basttemple [at] msn [dot] com

[And if you are reading this a year from now, Morgan is always willing to consider publishing stuff on this topic, so send it in.]

Some frequently asked contributor questions.
The Contributor Share spread from the Fall 2016 issue of DWQ.

Monday, January 23, 2017

2017 Open Full Moon rituals Denver Colorado (Hearthstone Community Church)

Here are the Friday Open Full Moon ritual dates for the year 2017 hosted by Hearthstone Community Church (Denver, Colorado).

January 6
February 10
March 10
April 7
May 5
June 9
July 7
August 4
September 1
September 29 (for October)
November 3
December 1

Hearthstone Community Church meets in the upstairs chapel of the First Unitarian Church at 14th and Lafayette. Doors open at 7 pm, community announcements 7:30 pm, with the ritual starting right after announcements.

Ritual is free to attend--donations are accepted to offset the cost of renting the room for the ritual.

Rituals are performed by volunteers, who are willing to share their tradition with the public.

Dates of the Hearthstone Community Church 2017 Open Full Moon rituals

Saturday, January 14, 2017

DWQ Wealth and the Lucky Witch (Imbolc/Ostara 2017) release day

Today is the release date for the latest issue of the Denver Wealth Quarterly--Wealth and the Lucky Witch (Imbolc/Ostara 2017).

Get it now at pre-release price. (99 cents USD--regularly $2.99 an issue)

Denver Witch Quarterly is a magazine devoted to paganism, Wicca, witchcraft, magick, and the occult.

In this issue, we explore money, wealth, luck and prosperity, and the magic necessary to obtain such. Also articles on Imbolc and Ostara, as well as editorials about current events in the magical community.

Don't tell me how to vote: Cause I never vote (BHC)
Not a big enough safety pin—MDE

Totally not a racist (Big Name Occultist)
Seen on the internet: Trump-Pence hair joke

[Flash fiction] What do we want—Morgan Drake Eckstein
All Sales Are Final—A. J. Hallows

"A Kiss of Bliss, or Misery?"—The Broom Hill Crow
Body of a Goddess—Erin Lale
Blame It on the Wine. Or Kali. Or Both.—Shea Herlihy-Abba
My Parents Don’t Like Kali ‘Cause She Drives a Mustang—Shea Herlihy-Abba

Luck--Moon Gazer
Some wealth magic tips--MDE

Shining the light on this year’s plantings at Imbolc—Moon Gazer
Ostara’s Plantings—Moon Gazer

Wealth and the Lucky Witch (DWQ Imbolc/Ostara 2017)
 Now available for purchase at the various online ebook retailers. 



Barnes and Noble



And coming soon to Scribd!